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Gedigen erfarenhet sedan 1975


Supervisor course for driving licence

Som Stockholms största trafikskola erbjuder vi dig att boka in en handledarkurs när det passar. Vi på Jarla Trafikskola har utbildningar för såväl elev som för handledare. Boka in er hos oss redan idag för att påbörja resan mot körkortet tillsammans!

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Supervisor training

Boka och betala din handledarkurs enkelt och smidigt

via vår e-handel

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Erbjudande efter genomförd kurs

30-50% rabatt Stockholm & Norrtälje

Boka in dig på en handledarutbildning på någon av våra 7 skolor. Få därefter bästa möjliga start på din körkortsutbildning genom att efter genomförd handledarutbildning ta del av vårt unika erbjudande på 30 till 50% rabatt.

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Training for supervisors


Courses every week


Requirements for private practice driving

Training for supervisors

Jarla Trafikskola är Stockholms största trafikskola – vi finns på flera platser runt om i Stockholm, där vi utför såväl intensivkurser, enstaka körlektioner och genomgångar för handledare. Vi stolta över att kunna erbjuda det bredaste utbudet av kurstillfällen för handledarutbildning!

Genom att boka in dig på en utbildning för handlare hos oss på Jarla Trafikskola ser vi till att både eleven och den ansvariga handledaren är medveten om och förberedd inför det som kommer. Vi går även igenom vad som krävs av dig som handledare för att du ska kunna agera som bästa möjliga stöd för eleven. Det är inte bara viktigt för att hen ska lyckas, utan det är även viktigt för att ni tillsammans ska köra bra och säkert i trafiken. Med våra handledarkurser kan ni båda känna er bekväma med utbildningsprocessen, så att ni tillsammans kan agera därefter.

Courses every week

Vi har flera handledarkurser varje vecka, där vi enkelt kan hitta en passande tid för dig. Utbildningen pågår i ungefär fyra timmar och har ett antal fokusområden:

  • Supervisor's responsibility when you practice driving.
  • The importance of driving and road experience in terms of overall road safety.
  • The requirements that apply to the driver's test; the Swedish Transport Administration's theory test and driving test, traffic rules, planned driving, road safety, the environment and eco-driving.
  • The interpretation of different traffic situations and how they can be interpreted differently depending on the experience of the driver.
Requirements for private practice driving

For students who are going to practice driving privately, there are specific requirements that must be met:

  • The student must be at least 16 years old to practice driving and have a valid driving licence.
  • Du och din elev ska även ha gått en handledarkurs tillsammans. Eleven måste vara minst 15 år och 9 månader vid kurstillfället och utbildningen är giltig i 5 år framöver.

There are also specific requirements for tutors. In order to have your application to become a tutor approved, there are some requirements you need to meet:

  • The supervisor must be at least 24 years old and must have held a driving licence for at least five years.
  • The supervisor's driving licence must be issued in Sweden or another EEA country and the person must have experience and skill behind the wheel.
  • The driving licence must not have been revoked for more than three months, nor must you as a supervisor have had an alcohol lock condition in recent years.

You can apply for supervisor status easily via the Swedish Transport Agency.



    Read our Privacy Policy

    Traffic school Alvik 556609-8579
    Driving licence for passenger car (automatic/manual)

    08-25 50 44

    Tranebergsvägen 48
    167 44, Bromma

    Mån - Torsdag 08:30-16:00
    Fredag 08:30-13:00

    Traffic school Bromma 556222-7891
    Driving licence for passenger car (automatic/manual)
    Driving licence for motorcycle
    Extended B96 & BE

    08-28 82 82

    Travbanevägen 1
    168 64, Bromma

    Mån - Torsdag 08:00-17:30
    Fredag 08:00-13:00

    Traffic school Gullmarsplan 559376-1629
    Driving licence Car (automatic/manual)

    08-39 33 33

    Gullmarsvägen 15
    121 40, Stockholm

    Mån - Torsdag 08:00-17:30
    Fredag 08:00-13:00

    Trafikskola Kungsholmen 559376-3708
    Körkort personbil (Automat och Manuell)

    08-652 56 06

    Arbetargatan 22
    112 45 STOCKHOLM

    Mån - Torsdag 9:00 -16:30
    Fredag stängt

    Traffic school Norrtälje 559259-0680
    Driving licence for passenger cars (automatic/manual)
    Driving licence for motorcycles
    Extended B96 & BE

    0176 - 188 68

    Hantverkaregatan 21
    761 30, Norrtälje

    Mån-Torsdag 10:30-17:00
    Fre 09:30-12:30

    Traffic school Odenplan 559140-8777
    Driving licence for passenger car (automatic/manual)

    08-31 33 13

    Karlbergsvägen 18
    113 27, Stockholm

    Mån - Torsdag 08:00-17:30
    Fredag 08:00-13:00

    Traffic school Älvsjö 559190-6754
    Driving licence for passenger cars (automatic/manual)
    Driving licence for motorcycles
    Extended B96 & BE

    08-480 01 890

    Johan Skyttesväg 187 C
    125 34, Älvsjö

    Mån - Torsdag 08:00-17:30
    Fredag 08:00-13:00

    Traffic school Östermalm 556222-7891
    Driving licence for passenger car (automatic/manual)

    08-20 83 93

    Valhallavägen 82
    114 27, Stockholm

    Mån - Torsdag 08:00-17:30
    Fredag 08:00-13:00

    Intensive course MC

    Our intensive course is for those who can handle a motorcycle.

    The intensive course includes the following training elements:
    Find out about all our training elements in more detail here.

    Course programme


    DAY 1
    Monday: 07.00-12.30

    Initial traffic, as well as high speed braking and a safety check

    DAY 2-4
    Tuesday-Thursday: 09.30-12.30

    Driving in traffic

    Day 5
    Friday: 08:20 or 09:30

    Road trip, fixed distance, 11 miles lasting about 3 hours.
    UBK - training check. This training is only booked when the trainer
    the trainer has given the go-ahead.

    Course programme


    DAY 1
    Monday: 10.40-12.40 + 13.40-16.40

    Initial traffic, plus high speed braking and a safety check

    DAY 2-4
    Tuesday-Thursday: 13.40-16.40

    Driving in traffic

    DAY 5
    Friday: 08.20 or 09.30

    Road trip, fixed distance, about 11 miles lasting about 3 hours.
    UBK - training check. This training is only booked when the trainer
    the trainer has given the go-ahead.

    Intensive course 3 weeks

    ...never practised before but want to start your driving licence training in the best possible way!

    The three-week intensive course includes all of our training elements:

    (Find out about all our training sessions in more detail here)

    Intensive course 2 weeks

    ...are at the beginning of your driving training but have practiced before!

    The two-week intensive course includes the following training elements:

    (Find out about all our training sessions in more detail here)

    Intensive Course Schedule 3 weeks

    Subject to possible schedule changes.
    The practical training is divided into two students/car and teacher.

    Homework: read the driving licence booklet and the study booklet, and solve the problems

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    7.45 - 12.30 Halkbana R2

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch

    6.45 - 12.30 Road driving

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 16.40 driving lessons

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch

    Training control 1×80 min

    Intensive course schedule 2 weeks

    The following schedule shows the approximate course content and structure.
    Subject to possible schedule changes.
    The practical teaching is divided between two students/car and teacher.

    Homework: read the driving licence booklet and the study booklet, and solve the problems

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    7.45 - 12.30 Halkbana R2

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch

    6.45 - 12.30 Road driving

    Intensive course 1 week

    ...are at the end of their driving training and soon want to drive up and take the theory test!

    The one-week intensive course includes the following training elements:

    • Urban transport
    • Road
    • Motorway
    • Darkness driving
    • Stable road conditions
    • Application and self-training control of urban traffic
    • Education control

    (Find out about all our training sessions in more detail here)

    Intensive Course Schedule 1 week

    The following schedule shows the approximate course content and structure.
    Subject to possible schedule changes.
    The practical teaching is divided between two students/car and teacher.

    Homework: read the driving licence booklet and the study booklet, and solve the problems

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons