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Moped driving licence

AM driving licence - Moped driving licence

För dig som vill ta AM-körkort finns det gott om utbildningstillfällen och körlektioner att boka hos oss på Jarla Trafikskola i Bromma, Norrtälje och Gullmarsplan. Med erfarenhet i branschen sedan 1975 ger vi dig bästa möjliga förutsättningar för att lyckas med mopedkörkort. Vi jobbar effektivt utifrån dina personliga behov!

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Get an AM driving licence


Two steps to an AM driving license


Get a moped license in Stockholm or Norrtälje.


Requirements for AM driving licence


Goalkeeper calls us

Get an AM driving licence

På bara två dagar fördelat över två helger lyckas våra elever ta AM-körkort. Vi erbjuder en väldigt effektiv utbildning. För oss är det viktigt att bidra till säkerhet i trafiken, för våra trafiklärare är det allra högsta prioritet.

I Bromma består utbildningens första dag av teori. Dag nummer två följande helg är det dags för körning och därefter är våra elever färdiga på körskolan.

I Norrtälje är teoriutbildningen och körningen fördelad på flera tillfällen på vardagar. I Älvsjö är teoriutbildningen fördelad på två tillfällen på vardagar, och körningen sker vardagar eller efterföljande helg.

En intensivt mopedutbildning ställer vissa krav på eleverna, samtidigt är effektiviteten viktig för många av våra elever. När man har bestämt sig för att ta AM-körkort, vill man helst ha det i handen så fort som möjligt.

A Class I moped, sometimes called an EU moped, is a moped designed for a maximum speed of 45 kilometres per hour. To take one, you must be at least 15 years old, but you can start training when you are 14 years and 9 months old. Before you start practice driving, you need to apply for a driving licence on the Swedish Transport Agency's website!

Please get in touch and we will tell you more about the training!

  • Get your AM driving license in just two days
  • We teach you to drive safely in traffic
  • Start training when you are 14 years and 9 months old
Two steps to an AM driving license

1. Driving licence/registration: apply for a driving licence from the Swedish Transport Agency and attach a visual certificate. We will of course help you fill in the forms if necessary. Before enrolment, we need approval and a certificate from the guardian, after which you enrol in the driving school.

2. Utbildning: Kursen för AM-körkort hålls i Stockholm under två dagar. Den första dagen innehåller enbart en lärarledd teorilektion. Efter det får eleven studera självständigt samt gör övningsfrågor inför kommande teoriprov hos Trafikverket. Den andra dagen består av körning på vår gård i Bromma eller Älvsjö samt i trafiken. I Norrtälje fördelas både teoriutbildningen och körningen på fler dagar och lektioner.

3. Theory test: in order to take the theory test, you must have completed a training course and passed it. Your driving instructor will report digitally when you have passed. If you don't pass, both you and your guardian will be informed why and what you need to do to pass the training. We are happy to help you book an appointment with the Swedish Transport Agency, but you will get a better overview of the days and times they offer if you book yourself via their website.

Get a moped license in Stockholm or Norrtälje.

The training for moped driving license class I takes place at Johan Skyttesväg in Älvsjö, at Travbanevägen in Bromma or in Norrtälje. The course includes teacher-led theory, maneuvering training on our own lanes, traffic training, your own theory and exercises, and a knowledge test with us or the Swedish Transport Administration, depending on your qualifications. Of course, you borrow a moped from us during the course.

Vi vill att du som studerar hos oss förbereder dig genom att läsa det teorimaterial du du köper separat.

  • Practice driving in Bromma, Norrtälje or Älvjsö.
  • Borrow a moped from us during the course
  • Teorimaterial som behövs köper du separat via
  • Just nu! Få en hjälm på köpet (gäller enbart Stockholm och så länge lagret räcker – storlekar S)
Requirements for AM driving licence

To get an AM driving licence, you must meet a number of requirements: you must have a valid driving licence from the Swedish Transport Agency. You must be a permanent resident of Sweden or have been studying here for at least six months. You must have completed a course of training with an authorised instructor, such as Jarla Trafikskola.

You must be at least 15 years old at the time of the test and you must have passed a knowledge test. You must not hold a driving licence issued in another EEA country in order to take the test. However, such a licence can be exchanged for a Swedish one.

  • Start by getting a driving licence
  • You must be at least 15 years old at the time of the test
Goalkeeper calls us

We would like the guardian to call us and register for the moped course. Our staff will help with the booking and provide all the necessary information. The booking confirmation, invoice (with a ten-day payment deadline) and theory material will then be sent to the student.

If the course is cancelled or rescheduled when there are less than 14 days left, 50 percent of the course fee will be charged. If you withdraw from the course, you will be charged 100 percent. For refunds or credits, illness must always be verified with a medical certificate or equivalent.

  • Ask the guardian to call and make the report
  • We help with all booking
  • Reimbursement possible in case of sick certificate

Contact us

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    Traffic school Alvik 556609-8579
    Driving licence for passenger car (automatic/manual)

    08-25 50 44

    Tranebergsvägen 48
    167 44, Bromma

    Mån - Torsdag 08:30-16:00
    Fredag 08:30-13:00

    Traffic school Bromma 556222-7891
    Driving licence for passenger car (automatic/manual)
    Driving licence for motorcycle
    Extended B96 & BE

    08-28 82 82

    Travbanevägen 1
    168 64, Bromma

    Mån - Torsdag 08:00-17:30
    Fredag 08:00-13:00

    Traffic school Gullmarsplan 559376-1629
    Driving licence Car (automatic/manual)

    08-39 33 33

    Gullmarsvägen 15
    121 40, Stockholm

    Mån - Torsdag 08:00-17:30
    Fredag 08:00-13:00

    Trafikskola Kungsholmen 559376-3708
    Körkort personbil (Automat och Manuell)

    08-652 56 06

    Arbetargatan 22
    112 45 STOCKHOLM

    Mån - Torsdag 9:00 -16:30
    Fredag stängt

    Traffic school Norrtälje 559259-0680
    Driving licence for passenger cars (automatic/manual)
    Driving licence for motorcycles
    Extended B96 & BE

    0176 - 188 68

    Hantverkaregatan 21
    761 30, Norrtälje

    Mån-Torsdag 10:30-17:00
    Fre 09:30-12:300

    Traffic school Odenplan 559140-8777
    Driving licence for passenger car (automatic/manual)

    08-31 33 13

    Karlbergsvägen 18
    113 27, Stockholm

    Mån - Torsdag 08:00-17:30
    Fredag 08:00-13:00

    Traffic school Älvsjö 559190-6754
    Driving licence for passenger cars (automatic/manual)
    Driving licence for motorcycles
    Extended B96 & BE

    08-480 01 890

    Johan Skyttesväg 187 C
    125 34, Älvsjö

    Mån - Torsdag 08:00-17:30
    Fredag 08:00-13:00

    Traffic school Östermalm 556222-7891
    Driving licence for passenger car (automatic/manual)

    08-20 83 93

    Valhallavägen 82
    114 27, Stockholm

    Mån - Torsdag 08:00-17:30
    Fredag 08:00-13:00

    Intensive course MC

    Our intensive course is for those who can handle a motorcycle.

    The intensive course includes the following training elements:
    Find out about all our training elements in more detail here.

    Course programme


    DAY 1
    Monday: 07.00-12.30

    Initial traffic, as well as high speed braking and a safety check

    DAY 2-4
    Tuesday-Thursday: 09.30-12.30

    Driving in traffic

    Day 5
    Friday: 08:20 or 09:30

    Road trip, fixed distance, 11 miles lasting about 3 hours.
    UBK - training check. This training is only booked when the trainer
    the trainer has given the go-ahead.

    Course programme


    DAY 1
    Monday: 10.40-12.40 + 13.40-16.40

    Initial traffic, plus high speed braking and a safety check

    DAY 2-4
    Tuesday-Thursday: 13.40-16.40

    Driving in traffic

    DAY 5
    Friday: 08.20 or 09.30

    Road trip, fixed distance, about 11 miles lasting about 3 hours.
    UBK - training check. This training is only booked when the trainer
    the trainer has given the go-ahead.

    Intensive course 3 weeks

    ...never practised before but want to start your driving licence training in the best possible way!

    The three-week intensive course includes all of our training elements:

    (Find out about all our training sessions in more detail here)

    Intensive course 2 weeks

    ...are at the beginning of your driving training but have practiced before!

    The two-week intensive course includes the following training elements:

    (Find out about all our training sessions in more detail here)

    Intensive Course Schedule 3 weeks

    Subject to possible schedule changes.
    The practical training is divided into two students/car and teacher.

    Homework: read the driving licence booklet and the study booklet, and solve the problems

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    7.45 - 12.30 Halkbana R2

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch

    6.45 - 12.30 Road driving

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 16.40 driving lessons

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch

    Training control 1×80 min

    Intensive course schedule 2 weeks

    The following schedule shows the approximate course content and structure.
    Subject to possible schedule changes.
    The practical teaching is divided between two students/car and teacher.

    Homework: read the driving licence booklet and the study booklet, and solve the problems

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    7.45 - 12.30 Halkbana R2

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch

    6.45 - 12.30 Road driving

    Intensive course 1 week

    ...are at the end of their driving training and soon want to drive up and take the theory test!

    The one-week intensive course includes the following training elements:

    • Urban transport
    • Road
    • Motorway
    • Darkness driving
    • Stable road conditions
    • Application and self-training control of urban traffic
    • Education control

    (Find out about all our training sessions in more detail here)

    Intensive Course Schedule 1 week

    The following schedule shows the approximate course content and structure.
    Subject to possible schedule changes.
    The practical teaching is divided between two students/car and teacher.

    Homework: read the driving licence booklet and the study booklet, and solve the problems

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons
    11.20 - 14.00 Self-study/Lunch
    14.00 - 15.20 Choir lesson

    8.40 - 11.20 driving lessons